Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Promote empathy thru art ed

...The approach is integrated with art, drama and music so that, "children develop emotional literacy and the ability to find the humanity in themselves and one another". The social climate of classrooms change when students develop a sense of how others feel, both fellow students and teachers who have feelings too. Aggression is reduced by empathy. "Children change from the inside out, developing intrinsic motivation and intrinsic pride instead of reward-driven superficial, fleeting satisfaction". ...Various special interest groups also recognise the importance of teaching empathy-those concerned with (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), autism, English Language Learners (ELL).

I have exerpted this article here. See link for full article. http://www.mmegi.bw/index.php?sid=2&aid=15&dir=2008/September/Monday15

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