Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Get to know your customers" day

Today is National "Get to know your customers" day (and Saturday is National "Customer Service" day).  In honor of this, I would like to hear from you.  Please leave a comment.  Tell me what you like about this blog. Tell me what like to see more (or less) of.  Or simply say "Hi", so I know you're out there! Looking forward to hearing from you...



TexasRed said...

As someone who does art quilts on a hobby-level, I'm interested to hear about your art and your path to getting where you are now.

Bailey Earith said...

TexasRed, watch for your answer 1/26/09. Thanks for asking! Bailey

Nellie's Needles said...

All the articles you quote are good to read and thanks for the links to their source. However, I'd like to hear (read) more of your words in how you incorporate those ideas and principles in your art and teaching.

Bailey Earith said...

Thanks Nellie. I will do my best.