Friday, February 13, 2009

Guest Blogger: Mel Edwards

For me, art is not an optional choice, it is essential to my personal truth. To deny my creativity is to state that who and what I am is not valued in the world. When I uphold my art, I am validating myself, even when others do not see or hear my creations.

I've had the honor of interviewing nearly 100 artist in the last seven months and my statements above resonate with the stories each of them has shared with me. I believe we're all creators and all have something to share with the world. Oh sure, you'll meet someone who says, "I don't have a creative bone in my body," but they're parents, or whip of dinner every night, or design new projects for their jobs. Just because it isn't art doesn't mean it is a "less than" creation.

I find that art, performance, literary, fine or crafts, supports expression of your deepest values and emotional states. The textures, colors, terminology and verve that shows in your work all are miniature pictures of your soul, much like the mosaic murals and puzzles that are popular in the art world today. Do yourself a favor, let you spirit show, and even if you feel you're not ready to share it with the world, you'll be all the better for it because today you've proven to yourself you're valuable and so are the expressions of your soul

Mel. Edwards
Creative Truth Teller
Founder Votre Vray, Your Truth is Your Way. Always.
Votre Vray Blog
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