The Home and Garden show was a wonderful experience. I met so many great people! Thought you'd like to see pictures of my booth... Lots of requests for classes, so stay tuned...I'll be putting classes together soon!
"Art with Heart" Information and open discussion about Fiber Art, Art & & Spirit. BaileyFiberArt.com "Bringing Peace to the World Through Art"
Back from the show
This little gem uses jewel-toned hand dyed fabrics. I wanted to experiment with using words in my work. Words are so powerful and the words I chose: "Vibrant", "Spirited", "Yes"...are empowering and uplifting. Add some beads and what's not to love!
Affirmations Quilt
Tomorrow is the Dogwood Arts House & Garden show. Wish me luck!!! I will have live demonstrations during the show. I will also be selling my works. Please come by. I'd appreciate your support! Dates: Feb. 20-22, 2009 Knoxville Convention Center
Its Here: Dogwood Arts Home and Garden show
I am happy to announce an opportunity for you to work like I work. I love to take an idea and expand on it through variations over a period of time. I find this process to be very fulfilling and highly creative, freeing and pleasurable. I want my students to experience this for themselves. Support your soul and enrich your spirit by expanding your vision over time. I am offering a unique series of art classes that are designed to enable you to maximize your creative experience by building on your skills from week to week. Add a new skill set each week as you grow in an upbeat, supportive environment. If you are unable to commit for all 4 weeks, please join us anyways, as each class can also stand alone for a more condensed art experience.
Where: All classes are held at Migun-TN (in Farragut by Fresh Market) on Wednesdays from 11-1.
Journal making 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25
Dream Catchers 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29
Mandalas 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27
Price: $35 per class
Special: $25 per class when you register with a friend or when you register and prepay for 4 sessions.
E-mail me at Bailey@BaileyFiberArt.com to register.
Class Schedule: Intentional Art
Guest Blogger: Mel Edwards
I had the extreme pleasure of attanding a lecture given by Arun Gandhi at Pellissippi State Community College on Tuesday. Arun is the grandson of Mahatma Gandi. He discussed methods of obtaining solutions through non-violence. It was very interesting to hear concrete exapmles of how to put non-violence into practice. Especially how one must carry the burden of change on one's self to serve as an example. I feel I was lead to attend this lecture and I trust you were lead to this site/posting. I will be posting videos of A. Gandhi over the next few weeks. Peace to you!
Attended Lecture by Arun Gandhi
Next week is the Dogwood Arts House & Garden show. I will have live demonstrations during the show. I will also be selling my works. Please come by. I'd appreciate your support! Dates: Feb. 20-22, 2009 Knoxville Convention Center</p>
Countdown: Dogwood Arts Show!!!
Guest Blog by Linda Pucci, PhD.
Thanks Mel!!!
Only 16 more days till the Dogwood Arts House & Garden show! I will have live demonstrations during the show. I will also be selling my works. Please come by. Dates: Feb. 20-22, 2009 Knoxville Convention Center</p>
Countdown: Dogwood arts show
Just came back from Dunkin Donuts. They have 4 really neat bumper stickers available for free.
"You kin' do it"
"I know I kin'"
"I kin', kin' you?"
"Kin' do attitude"
Pick yours up today and leave a comment here about the creative way you used yours.
I'm giving one to the special ed classroom at A.L.Lotts.
Gift: Free Inspiration from Dunkin' Donuts